


Like the real estate industry, the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis's research agenda is always evolving.


Automated Home Evaluation

To Err Is Automated: Have Technological Advances in the Mortgage Market Increased Opportunities for Black Homeownership?

Journal of the Center for Policy Analysis and Research, Vol. 2024, 34-47

January 2, 2024

Appraisal bias has emerged as one of the most controversial issues in the mortgage industry.

Ai and mortgages

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Equity in Mortgage Finance

November 6, 2023

Appraisal bias has emerged as one of the most controversial issues in the mortgage industry.

ATM Banking Services

Trust Me, I'm a Bank: What We Know and Don't Know about Trust, Banking Relationships, and Access to Financial Services

October 12, 2023

Public mistrust of banks is widespread. According to an April 2023 survey of Americans by Gallup, nearly 50 percent of people are worried about the safety of their money in banks.

Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate

Algorithms for All: Can AI in the Mortgage Market Expand Access to Homeownership?

October 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the mortgage market at every stage of the value chain.

Female shrugging

I’m Only Human? The Role of Racial Stereotypes, Humanness, and Satisfaction in [Home Rental] Transactions with Anthropomorphic Sales Bots

Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(1), 47-58

January 11, 2023

Prior research suggests that expectations and outcomes of marketplace transactions can vary by the race, ethnicity, and gender of an agent, and customer (Henderson, Hakstian, & Williams 2016; Lindridge, Henderson & Ekpo 2015).


Algorithms for All: Has Digitalization in the Mortgage Market Expanded Access to Homeownership?

June 2, 2022

Digitalization is transforming the mortgage market at every stage of the value chain.

Real Estate Sales commission

Be Careful What You Ask For: The Economic Impact of Changing the Structure of Real Estate Agent Fees

May 11, 2022

Over the past few years, several class-action lawsuits have been filed against the National Association of Realtors and other members of the real estate brokerage industry involving the structure of real estate commissions.

Race and Homeownership

How People-Based Special Purpose Credit Programs Can Reduce the Racial Homeownership Gap

April 22, 2022

Over the past few years, several class-action lawsuits have been filed against the National Association of Realtors and other members of the real estate brokerage industry involving the structure of real estate commissions.

Mortgage Housing

Homeward Bound: Removing Barriers to Mortgage Credit for Black Homebuyers

October 1, 2021

We analyze some of the key barriers to Black homeownership and propose several solutions that promise to expand homeownership opportunities, lower the costs of homeownership, and hasten equity accumulation for Black households.

balanced scale

Tipping the SCALE: Will Alternative Data Promote or Impede Fair Lending Goals?

April 1, 2021

It has been more than 50 years since the passage of the Fair Housing Act, yet the homeownership rates of Blacks continue to be some 30 percentage points below those achieved by non-Latinx Whites.



