Stephen Shaw

Stephen Shaw

Stephen Shaw

Stephen is a part of the GWU Class of 2025 graduating from the School of Business with a major in International Business and a concentration in Real Estate and a minor in French. He is a mentee in the REFA program and a member of CREN. 

Why did you choose to attend GW?

I chose to attend GW because I love DC and I really liked everything about GW’s Business school from the teachers and programs to the opportunities and connections. 

How did you become interested in real estate and what interests you most within the industry?

I have always been good with math/numbers and believe I am personable and outgoing which led me to the idea of real estate. Last summer, I had an internship for a coworking business renting out office spaces, however I first became interested in real estate after befriending an AirBnB host in Costa Rica who operated dozens of rental properties.

What current trend in the industry interests you and why?

Capital market risk is a current trend that has interested me due to the downturn of the economy and how it has and will affect the real estate industry. REITs and the equity market also spark my interest within the real estate industry.

What are your plans post graduation and how is GW helping you achieve them?

I want to work for a Commercial Real Estate firm and eventually start my own company. GW is helping me achieve these plans by providing me with incredible resources, opportunities and connections. 

What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their experience at GW?

Get involved in as much as you can on campus in order to meet new people and figure out what interests you the most!