Bella Lilly

Bella Lilly

Bella Lilly

Bella is a part of the GWU Class of 2025 graduating from the School of Business with a major in Business and a concentration in Real Estate and a minor in French. She is a mentee in the REFA program and a member of CREN. 

Why did you choose to attend GW?

I chose to attend GW because of the amazing academic opportunities and also the location being right in the heart of D.C.

How did you become interested in real estate and what interests you most within the industry?

I became interested in Real Estate at a very young age. Through watching my father manage his personal real estate company, I became interested in started my own firm and learning about other careers that are possible within the industry. 

What current trend in the industry interests you and why?

A current trend in the industry that interests me is seeing how COVID-19 has affected different sectors of real estate and how they are recovering. It is very interesting to see employees getting back into the office and changing their office spaces to opt for more space between each employee in order for everyone to feel safe. 

What are your plans post-graduation and how is GW helping you achieve them?

My plans post-graduation are to start at a brokerage firm and eventually create my own brokerage. GW and especially REFA, has helped me learn how to network efficiently and also learn many technical skills that will be used in my career in the future. 

What advice do you have for current students who want to make the most out of their experience at GW?

My advice to current students is to take every opportunity you have and to keep an open mind/attitude with everything you do. You never know who will help you next so it is always in your benefit to be professional and kind.