Robert A. Van Order

Robert A. Van Order
Oliver Carr Chair in Real Estate; Professor of Finance & Economics
Robert Van Order holds the Oliver Carr Chair in Real Estate at the George Washington University, and is a professor of finance and economics. He was chief economist of Freddie Mac from 1987 until 2002. In that capacity he worked on the development of Freddie Mac models of mortgage default, prepayment and pricing; approaches to risk, capital structure and capital requirements; mortgage market structure; and analysis of housing and the economy. Before that he served as director of the Housing Finance Analysis Division at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
He has taught at the University of California, Los Angeles, Purdue University, the University of Southern California, Queens University in Canada, American University in Washington, D.C., Ohio State University, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and the University of Michigan. He has consulted on mortgage markets in Sri Lanka, India, Latvia, Russia, Ghana, Nicaragua, Brazil, Egypt, Colombia, Poland and Pakistan.